Before reading the news conveyed by media, let us read the news conveyed by Qur'aan
This Website provides quick Information on various "Electronic and Print Media" of International fame. To get the desired information, click on its relevant link given below:-
Electronic Media - Radio
Electronic Media - Television Channels
Print Media - Newspapers
New York Times (New York, USA)
Washington Post (Washington DC, USA)
The Daily Telegraph (London)
The Guardian (London)
The Local - breaking news, views, features and chat from Germany
The Moscow Times (English) (Moscow)
Saudi Gazette (Saudi Arabia)
Jerusalem Post; An Israil Newspaper (in English)
Dawn (Pakistan)
Pakistan Today (Pakistan)
Daily Nawa-i-Waqt (Pakistan Urdu)
The Daily Star, A Bangladesh Newspaper (English)
Roznama Rashtriya Sahara (Urdu - India)